Chicken Tractor

I have always loved the idea of waking up on a lazy weekend morning, walking out in the cool air and retrieving your breakfast from a happy chicken. Since moving from the country into the city, I missed the fresh eggs and the general amusement that backyard chickens provide. I am a firm believer that all folks should have at least some connection to how their food is grown and produced, and this is a simple way to get started.

You would be surprised to find most cities allow chickens to be kept in peoples backyards, yet most people think it is illegal. Here is a great site from which to get ideas, advice, and inspiration;

Anywho, here is my chicken tractor. The basic idea was for me to be able to move it daily around my garden to allow the chickens to graze on fresh grass, while trimming, eating bugs, and fertilizing the paths!

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